Getting your business ready for the 2027 landline switch-off

landline switch-off

Last week, after public outcry about the soon-approaching landline switch-off in 2025, BT decided to extend the time limit of the switch-off to the beginning of 2027. Yet, many businesses across the UK are still unaware of The Big Switch Off, as it has been nicknamed, and what it will mean for their business. In this blog, we look at what is happening and why, and how best to prepare your business for the landline switch-off.

What will happen to landlines in 2027?

In 2027, landlines will become a thing of the past as BT Openreach switches off the old analogue Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). In its place comes a much faster and more secure full-fibre digital network. Yet, despite this upgrade, firms will need to prepare in advance for the switch-off to ensure their systems are set up for the IP (Internet Protocol) takeover. This is, in part, why there has been public outcry about the impending switch-off as both business and household customers inundate

How should I approach the landline switch-off

The best option for any business or organisation that will be affected by The Big Switch Off is to act sooner rather than later. The sooner you start implementing your system upgrades and speaking to your provider, the more smoothly this process will run, giving you ample time to get on top of the change and upgrade your systems gradually over the next two years.

Telephony will be a major area of concern for businesses going forward that still rely on a landline. IP telephony, whether single voice lines or multi-line VoIP systems, offers a much higher quality of calls with a greater range of possible services and there are many solutions available to suit different budgets.

What business systems will the landline switch-off affect?

If your business uses a landline for its telephony, it will be affected by the switch-off. However, there are also several supported systems that will be affected if they use an ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network).

ISDN was added to the existing PSTN in 1986 to enable the transfer of additional data that the network could not cope with, such as data transfers through facsimile. While this was incredibly useful and advanced at the time, IP has taken over this role, providing a far stronger and faster internet connection with fewer faults, greater stability and better range.

If you have any legacy tech for your business that still requires ISDN, this will need to be upgraded or replaced before the switch-off. This may include:

  • ATM machines
  • Dial-up POS (card machines)
  • Alarm systems
  • Franking machines
  • Printers
  • Fax machines
  • Video conferencing


Working with an experienced IT service provider when approaching this digitisation of your business telephony has many advantages. We can assess your business needs and suggest suitable alternatives within your budget, making sure your systems are upgraded well in advance of the switch-off.

Find out more

If you would like to speak to us about the landline switch-off and the telephony services we can offer your business, please contact Andrew Wayman at or call our office on +44 (0)1344 870062.