What are the security issues of integrating AI into the workplace?

AI security issues

With the increased presence of generative AI, many businesses want to adopt this tech to help support their business functions. Yet, many aspects of generative AI can pose risks to a business’s security. This is why businesses must thoroughly check the health of their present IT security to ensure it is up to scratch before any AI tech is introduced into their systems. Here, we take a look at the potential security issues AI can bring and how they can be overcome.

The data security issues of integrating generative AI models

Data security is a top priority for businesses, and data leaks of sensitive information can be very costly. Introducing certain AI models into your business will also mean granting access to company data, which can raise a number of security issues.

Data overflow

Generative AI works by users inputting data into a prompt command that the AI then uses to search and produce an answer from its data set. Anything can be input into the prompt by the user, which means staff need to be fully aware of the information they are providing and if it is sensitive.

Solution: Staff training on using AI models and the risks involved will be necessary before accessing any new tech.

Open access

Businesses must be careful about what generative AI tools they use, as some are open access. This can mean that the AI tool can hold and use the data provided. One serious concern is IP leakage and confidentiality when using AI. The ease of using web or app-based AI tools creates an increased risk of shadow IT.

Solution: Using a VPN can provide an extra layer of security by masking a business’s IP and encrypting the data in transit.

Data training

As generative AI models are built on and learn through the data sets they have access to, their open-access nature raises issues of privacy and security. Firms need to be clear about what integrated AI tools have access to in their networks and whether this data remains the company’s property once the AI has access.

Solution: It is advisable for businesses adopting AI to conduct an IT audit and personnel access check before doing so. This will help ensure that AI can only access the data you want it to and avoid data access through unknown access points.

Data storage

The data that AI learns and improves from must be kept somewhere, usually in third-party storage spaces. This can create risks of data misuse or leakage if it is not properly protected. While AI vendors such as Microsoft Copilot and Google Gemini currently have limited access to a business’s files, companies looking to incorporate AI tech need to remain aware of any access changes that may crop up in the future.

Solution: All business data needs to be protected with encryption and access controls depending on its sensitivity. Businesses should implement a data strategy that includes generative AI access to help prevent breaches. They should also review their current security measures to ensure they adequately cover any incoming technology.

You may also be interested in our recent article: Chat GPT vs Microsoft Copilot, which AI solution could best serve your business?

Read the article here


Poor data compliance can land firms in trouble, and using AI can add to this. Third-party AI providers, like OpenAI, will not regulate the level of sensitivity in the information that passes through their models. If the data inputted or accessed by the AI includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII), it could create compliance problems with GDPR.

Solution: Thorough training needs to be provided to staff who use generative AI models to avoid poor compliance. Firms also need to check that staff access levels to company data are correct so AI models cannot gain access to where they shouldn’t.

Data leaks and malicious attacks

AI tools have the potential to be misused by hackers to gain access to data through a cyber attack and leak sensitive information.

Solution: Companies need to have strict and robust IT security measures in place that consider the vulnerabilities AI models can bring to business networks.


While generative AI models have much to offer businesses in developing new ideas and streamlining processes, security risks exist. Businesses looking to adopt this new technology need a thorough audit of their IT systems before taking on new tech. They also need to understand the exact access requirements of the AI model and discuss their security needs with their provider.

Find out more

If you would like to know more about AI solutions and security measures for your business, or any other aspect of this article, contact Andrew Wayman at andrew.wayman@sdt.co.uk or call our office on +44 (0)1344 870062.